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Rehabilitation of LiNOS Oil Refinery Plant, Ukraine
Rehabilitation of LiNOS Oil Refinery Plant, Ukraine

CATEGORY: Energy, Environment, Industrial Pollution, Impact Assessment




CLIENT: Black Sea Trade and Development Bank

ORIGIN OF FUNDING: Black Sea Trade and Development Bank




Rehabilitation of LiNOS Oil Refinery Plant, Ukraine

Type of Services

Services provided by LDK in the context of the project included:

  • technical review (project design, economic assessment, contractual arrangements);
  • market review (oil products market analysis, TNK-Ukraine market position);
  • environmental audit and initial environmental appraisal, including the preparation of desk study and the preparation of environmental action plan (mitigation, monitoring and further study requirements).



This project referred to the provision of independent consultancy services to assist TNK-Ukraine on independent evaluation of selected technical, market, economic and environmental aspects of the project involving rehabilitation of Lisichansknefteorgsyntez (LiNOS) Oil Refinery Plant in Lisichansk of the Lugansk region in Ukraine, aiming to:

  • increase production of light oil products vial introduction of new processing unit for further distillation of heavy fuel oil;
  • improve operational, economic and environmental indicators of the Refinery;
  • assist Ukraine to implement its policy aimed at maximum possible utilisation of domestic oil processing capacities and decrease dependence on imported oil products.


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This project referred to the provision of independent consultancy services to assist TNK-Ukraine on independent evaluation of selected technical, ...

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