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Institutional building in support of employment policy: Technical assistance, North Macedonia
Institutional building in support of employment policy: Technical assistance, North Macedonia

CATEGORY: Socioeconomic development, Economic Development, Social Inclusion and Equal Opportunities, Public Administration

LOCATION: North Macedonia

START/END: 2003-2005


CLIENT: European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR)





Institutional building in support of employment policy: Technical assistance, North Macedonia

Type of Services

The project consisted of three main components:

  • the establishment of a coherent system for employment policy development and implementation with increased involvement of social partners and non-public bodies involved in labor market development;
  • strengthening the physical and human resource capacities of the national Bureau of Employment and its network of local Employment Offices in order to deliver more active labor market measures;
  • the identification and implementation of a number of pilot or micro projects as part of a more active labor market programme. Pilot projects will be aimed at addressing the needs of more vulnerable or disadvantaged groups in the new labor market (such as youth, women and the disabled).

LDK provided guidance and support in order to:

  • develop the structure and detailed content of the National Employment Action Plan;
  • review the Bureau of Employment and Employment Offices;
  • restructure Bureau of Employment with detailed recommendations on organizational change, training requirements and service delivery;
  • review current legislation.

It also provided advice on essential new legislation and necessary revised legislation to implement the National Action Plan.


The overall objectives of the project were to assist the Government in the development of a coherent employment policy designed to support economic development and to encourage job creation within the country.
The specific objectives of this contract were:

  • to assist and advise the Government in the development of a National Action Plan for employment along the lines of the best practices in Europe and elsewhere;
  • to work with relevant partners to establish a sustainable, on-going and inclusive process of social dialogue and effective consultation;
  • to assist the national Bureau of Employment and its network of Employment Offices to develop the necessary physical and human resource capacities in order to refocus and restructure their services: to provide competent, efficient and client-friendly services to the unemployed and to employers, to design and implement more active labor market measures required to correct structural labor market imbalances;
  • to develop a number of pilot or micro projects to implement active labor market measures in selected priority areas defined in the National Action Plan.


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