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Monitoring & assessment of automatic water quality monitoring stations, North Macedonia
Monitoring & assessment of automatic water quality monitoring stations, North Macedonia

CATEGORY: Environment

LOCATION: North Macedonia


CLIENT: European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR)


Monitoring & assessment of automatic water quality monitoring stations, North Macedonia

Type of Services

Within the framework of the project the following activities were carried out:
- verification of availability at site of final acceptance of all analysers, sampling devices and other integrated system components;
- assessment of the Data Acquisition System (DAS) and remote data transfer and remote station control features, provided by the MEPP and the Greek Authorities;
- assessment of the one year operational period of the WQMSs;
- assessment of the institutional capacity for operation of the WQMSs;
- provision of assistance to the MEPP in defining the annual program for operation of the WQMSs;
- assessment of the fulfilment of the warranty obligation of the contractor and analysis of defects occurred/reported during the warranty period and corresponding rectifying action undertaken by the Contractor;
- provision of support the Ministry in review and finalizing details of a two-year maintenance Contract effective after final acceptance of the supplies;
- assessment of the hard and software solution for monitoring data acquisition, remote data transfer.


Under the 1997 PHARE Cross Border Cooperation Program North Macedonia-Greece, two automatic water quality-monitoring stations (WQMSs) were deployed at two locations, namely Taor and Demir Kapia on the River Vardar. The objectives of this project were to ensure that inspection testing and final acceptance of supplies (and associated services) delivered under Contract No. 02/0088 (EAR TdB Ref. 97/MAC02/07/008) follows the relevant provisions of the underlying supply contract, to verify functionality of remote data transfer software and telemetry hardware, and finally to assist in the drafting of a detailed maintenance contract covering supplier's support for 2 years following the final acceptance of the supplies.

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