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River basin management: Kalamas river in Thesprotia
River basin management: Kalamas river in Thesprotia

CATEGORY: Environment


START/END: 2000-2001


CLIENT: Prefecture of Thesprotia

ORIGIN OF FUNDING: Prefecture of Thesprotia


River basin management: Kalamas river in Thesprotia

Type of Services

Provided services covered expertise in the fields of:

  • river basin management;
  • pollution assessment.


In order to develop a management plan for the Kalamas river, flowing through the area as the main drainage system of the prefecture, the administration of the prefecture of Thesprotia assigned the elaboration of a river basin management plan. The project included the examination of the present state of the river from a qualitative point of view, and the investigation of pollution pressures in its basin.
Available water quality data was used to assess the assimilative capacity of the river with the present conditions. Problematic stretches of the river were also identified. At the end of the study recommendations were put forward for the appropriate management of the river's basin from an environmental point of view, including a number of measures to tackle pollution from specific sources.

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