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Specialist Tariff advisor in relation to EYDAP and EYATH (Water Utility Companies, serving Athens & Thessaloniki)
Specialist Tariff advisor in relation to EYDAP and EYATH (Water Utility Companies, serving Athens & Thessaloniki)

CATEGORY: Environment


START/END: 2012-2013



PARTNERS: Economic Consulting Associates Ltd - TEC SA


Specialist Tariff advisor in relation to EYDAP and EYATH (Water Utility Companies, serving Athens & Thessaloniki)

Type of Services

Data collection for the establishment of the baseline as preparatory work for the tariff model development.


  • Qualitative' review of future operating and maintenance expenditure and investment requirements for both EYDAP and EYATH
  • Develop and calculate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that provide an overall picture of the two companies' operational performance
  • Review current tariff levels and structures employed by water and sewerage utilities in Europe (International benchmarking)
  • Review elasticity of demand studies in Greece and in comparable countries
  • Review any available consumer willingness to pay studies for Greece and/or other countries of relevance
  • Participation in client and working meetings

The agreed service under the extended scope of the project is the drafting of technical annexes to the concession agreement, concerning the following aspects

  • Raw water specifications
  • System Master Plan Requirements
  • Operational Master Plan Requirements (partly)
  • Concessionaire reporting



The consortium of the Economic Consulting Associates Ltd ("ECA"), LDK Consultants Engineers and Planners S.A. ("LDK") and TEC S.A. ("TEC") (hereafter collectively called the "Consultant") is appointed by the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (the "HRADF") to act as its specialist tariff advisor in relation with the design of a water and sewerage tariff structure for the privatization of the Athens Water and Sewerage Company S.A. (EYDAP) and the Thessaloniki Water & Sewerage Company S.A. (EYATH) (the "Projects" or the "Companies"), serving the two largest cities of Greece, i.e. Athens (EYDAP providing water supply to 4.3 million inhabitants of Athens & to 3.5 million inhabitants with sewer services and EYATH providing water supply to 0.8 million inhabitants & and 0.97 million inhabitants with sewer services of Thessaloniki).

Extension: The Consultant will provide assistance to the Fund and its other specialist advisers in drafting the concession agreements for the "Companies" that will be issued to short listed bidders for EYATH privatisation.

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