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Solid Waste Management Portfolio: Support and Evaluation, Lebanon
Solid Waste Management Portfolio: Support and Evaluation, Lebanon

CATEGORY: Environment, Solid Waste Management


START/END: 2018 - 2020

CLIENT: Delegation of the EU in Lebanon


PROJECT VALUE: € 1,094,450



Solid Waste Management Portfolio: Support and Evaluation, Lebanon

Type of Services

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

  • Purpose 1 (Programmatic support)
  • Result 1.1:  Due diligence and impact evaluation of the programme “Assistance to the rehabilitation of the Lebanese Administration (ARLA)”, due diligence of the programme “Upgrading Solid Waste Management capacities in Bekaa and Akkar Regions in Lebanon (SWAM I)”.

Tasks: A. Due diligence (1) data mining, site visits to facilities, georeferenced mapping, pictures / videos; (2) review of technical and financial documents (3) conducting a series of site visits and interviews separately and independently from the visits of the technical team to assess the local solid waste governance system. This information will be then compared and bridged with other information and findings of the technical team. (4) Due diligence recommendations – action plan. (5) Synthesis Report. B. Impact Evaluation (1) Collection of documentation (2) Conduct a series of site visits and interviews separately and independently from the visits of the technical team to assess the local solid waste governance system and then compare and bridge this information with other information and findings of the technical team  (3) End user survey (4) National workshop and 4 decentralized feedback sessions

  • Result 1.2: Pre-feasibility study for the establishment of a monitoring information system of EU facilities.

Tasks: (1) Review of the relevant & available practices of MSW data collection and reporting (2) Develop/ consolidate MSW Indicators (3) Design the information reporting processes (4) Conduct the baseline study.

  • Result 1.3: Formulation of the programme “Towards a Decentralised Waste management Integrated Response (TaDWIR)”.

Tasks (1) Information and documentation collected for the programmes (2) Information collected from interviews (3) Various EC guidelines, tools and templates (4) Formulation of programmes.

  • Result 1.4: Due diligence of the four (4) contracts of the programme “Protection and sustainable development of maritime resources in Lebanon (ProMARE)”. Tasks (1) contract preparation: reassess technical and financial proposals (including logframe), propose corrective measures and pre-requisites to be included in the contract (2) contract implementation: review payment requests and addendum.
  • Result 1.5: Preparation of 2 solid waste management master plans for the contracts implemented by the Union of Municipalities of Ikklim el Tuffah and by Action Against Hunger Spain (ProMARE). Tasks (1) Defining of the Key Elements of the plan (Definition of planning area, planning time period and type of waste involved in the plan)  (2) Setting goals & targets (division into short-term objectives, mid-term and long-term objectives - quantitative targets will be set for priority waste streams - local objectives definition) (3) Proposal of scenarios/options (4) Action Plan
  • Result 1.6: Ad hoc technical assistance to the EU Delegation in relation the implementation of the law 80 on integrated solid waste management and other related activities. Tasks (1) Analyse, process and respond to requests for support (2) Participate in working groups, review or/and assist in the preparation of respective actions plans, terms of reference, action fiches, etc, as well as provide support in the review of implementation of such activities and report their progress to achieve specific targets
  •  Purpose 2 (Communication and knowledge management)  
  • Result 2.1: Production of 1 sector policy note and 1 sector policy brief.
  • Result 2.2: Development and implementation of a communication strategy for the EU Delegation




The overall objective of the project of which this contract is to assist the EU Delegation in (i) assessing the performance of its portfolio in the area of waste management with a view to realign its assistance in the sector, (ii) articulating to decision-makers and decision takers operational and policy recommendations, and (iii) following-up proposed corrective measures Inter alia, the purposes of the Consultancy services were the following:

  • Purpose 1 (Programmatic support) – providing an evidence-based performance assessment of its past and on-going interventions, recommend immediate corrective actions and articulate lessons learnt for future programmes. In particular:
  • Result 1.1: Due diligence and impact evaluation of the programme “Assistance to the rehabilitation of the Lebanese Administration (ARLA)”, due diligence of the programme “Upgrading Solid Waste Management capacities in Bekaa and Akkar Regions in Lebanon (SWAM I)”.
  • Conduct Due diligence of ARLA projects / facilities, SWAM 1 projects / facilities and of Bar Elias facility: the DDs will be performed for 12 municipal solid waste management facilities constructed under ARLA, whereas for ADELNORD the DD will be performed for one municipal waste facility. Regarding ARLA, the exact scope of the assistance (type of facilities, equipment) for each facility will be verified with OMSAR during the inception phase, whereas for ADELNORD, it will be with the Economic and Social Development Fund.  Under SWAM 1, the DDs will be performed for four facilities which are Zahlé, Joub Jannine, Srar, and Baalbek (the last one was funded also by ARLA). Bar Elias was funded by MuFIN and a DD will be performed. Benchmarking will be performed with the wasteaware indicators for each facility for the above-mentioned programs.
  • Impact evaluation of ARLA program: The Impact Evaluation will be performed for ARLA program, but it will also take into consideration the SWAM projects as well, as both programs are approached as one integrated. In addition two complementary activities will be performed: (i) an end user survey informing on SWM public service perception and local accountability dynamics, (participatory survey and multi-scale approach will be conducted with end users around the 12 ARLA facilities) and, (ii) a national workshop and 4 decentralized feedback sessions providing both visibility, complementary analysis and a mechanism linking the evaluation with TADWIR scoping exercise.
  • Result 1.2: Pre-feasibility study for the establishment of a monitoring information system of EU facilities.

A pre-feasibility study for the establishment of the Solid Waste Information Management System (SWIMS) for all the EU funded facilities will be conducted. The purpose of the SWIMS is to provide relevant and up-to-date data on the operation and the technical characteristics of the EU-funded facilities in Lebanon. This information system will integrate the existing facilities that will be retained for additional support following the due diligence and the two facilities to be constructed through ProMARE (grants implemented by the Union of Ikklim el Tuffah and Action Against Hunger Spain). It is foreseen to delegate its implementation to an independent Lebanese organisation..

  • Result 1.3: Formulation of the programme “Towards a Decentralised Waste management Integrated Response (TaDWIR)”

TaDWIR has not been supported by prefeasibility or feasibility studies. The purpose of the formulation of the programme is to confirm its relevance and feasibility and prepare a detailed project design, including the management and coordination arrangements, financing plan, cost-benefit analysis, risk management, monitoring and evaluation arrangements. The formulation of TaDWIR will be based on a list of that will be produced by the consultant, which will contain all possible interventions that could be included in the program. The interventions in the list will be prioritised according to their relevance, expected impact and efficiency. A scoping report including the proposal of specific rationale and selection criteria to be included in the call of proposal of TaDWIR will be produced. Following the above, the programme’s Action Document will be produced.

  • Result 1.4: Due diligence of the four (4) contracts of the programme “Protection and sustainable development of maritime resources in Lebanon (ProMARE)”.

The main objective of this activity is to: (i) Assess the contracts coherence according to ProMARE’s call for proposals, (ii) Analyse the adequacy of selected projects, and (ii) Assess their technical and financial feasibility and propose adjustments if required.

  • Result 1.5: Preparation of 2 solid waste management master plans for the contracts implemented by the Union of Municipalities of Ikklim el Tuffah and by Action Against Hunger Spain (ProMARE)

The scope of master plans is to: 1) assess the existing situation (baseline studies) and prepare the gap analysis of SWM systems of the specific areas, 2) investigate the necessity of proposing interventions in order to fill in the identified gaps and verify the financial, social and environmental sustainability of the projects. In this activity, the scope and components of the project are defined with consideration to development needs, strategic plans and local context. This phase is required due to the fact that there is no clear link between the proposed project components and identified deficiencies and development needs, and the lack of strategies and plans outlining in detail the implementation phasing of different projects and components. Master plans will consider the existing situation (from existing baseline studies), strategic development plans and related objectives and targets, institutional and financial capacity, and local enabling and inhibiting factors. The output will be a study that summarises the planning framework and clearly defines the scope and components of the project.

  • Result 1.6: Ad hoc technical assistance to the EU Delegation in relation the implementation of the law 80 on integrated solid waste management and other related activities

Support EUD to analyse, process and respond to the requests for support by MoE as the main beneficiary in the sector with a clear mandate to pave the path for implementation of the responsibilities as thee arise from the SWM Law. This will be achieved through a number of ad hoc activities, such as participate in working groups, review or/and assist in the preparation of respective actions plans, terms of reference, action fiches, etc, as well as to provide support in the review of implementation of such activities and report their progress to achieve specific targets.

  • Purpose 2 (Communication and knowledge management) - provide the European Union with policy documentation for the use of operational staff and decision makers in country and Headquarters
  • Result 2.1: Production of 1 sector policy note and 1 sector policy brief.

The policy note and its brief will provide a concise, analytic overview of: (i) The sector’s current institutional structure, at the national and local levels, with a particular focus on the interaction between the two; (ii) The practical effects of this structure, as seen through a sample of archetypical waste management facilities around the country;  (iii) The legal and institutional reforms under consideration or underway; (iv) The investments considered by local and external stakeholders, and their expected contributions - whether positive or negative - to the sector. The policy note will incorporate the findings and recommendations provided in the basis of the due diligence and impact evaluation reports as well as the lessons learned from the support provided to the ProMARE projects. The sector policy note will summarize key findings, and provide actionable recommendations, for internal EU purposes.

  • Result 2.2: Development and implementation of a communication strategy for the EU Delegation. Communicating the outcomes of the present contract to the stakeholders and wider public.

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