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EIA and accession to the Emissions Trading Scheme for a paper manufacturing plant in Katerini, Greece
EIA and accession to the Emissions Trading Scheme for a paper manufacturing plant in Katerini, Greece

CATEGORY: Environment, Air Emissions & Ambient Air Quality, Impact Assessment


EIA and accession to the Emissions Trading Scheme for a paper manufacturing plant in Katerini, Greece

Type of Services

Provided services include the full range of support for the issue of updated environmental terms and conditions, along with the accession of the plant to the emissions trading scheme. In detail, services include:

  • the elaboration of a complete EIA study for this A1-classified industrial unit;
  • the thorough examination of particular points within the EIA process in respect to the IPPC directive and required permit;
  • the submission of the above to the competent authority, being in this case the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, for application to issue environmental terms and conditions to cover the extension / modifications of the plant;
  • the preparation and submission of the application for the emissions of greenhouse gases, to the competent authority, being the Emissions Trading Rights Bureau (ETRB), along with all documentation required for the accession of the unit to the ETS.

The project is conducted by site visits, reports elaboration and continuous consultation with the client. Due to the nature of the project, this being local licensing for an international client, the whole project is bilingually elaborated.


This paper manufacturing plant, located in Katerini of northern Greece, is a newly acquired member of a multinational paper industry group. In view of a scheduled extension of the plant, the elaboration of an updated Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study is required. Currently, the unit uses paper pulp as raw material for the production of paper jumbo rolls of different thickness.

The planned extension concerns, amongst others, the addition of a converting line for the production of final paper products. The plant, is ranked as an A1-class plant (according to Greek legislation's environmental categorisation of activities).

Due to the planned modifications/extension, the plant would be included into the requirements set by the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive, thus it would require special IPPC licensing process. Therefore, a specific part of the EIA process, would include provisions such as Best Available Techniques (BATs), measurements of parameters (e.g. emissions, energy consumption), etc. Furthermore, the plant would be eligible for its inclusion in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

Therefore, the elaboration of a report and a respective application is required, to be submitted to the competent authority, for the issue of a Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions permit and the following accession of the unit into the Greek ETS.

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