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There has been general consensus that the administrative mechanism of the state must be improved to meet the demands of a rapidly changing domestic and global environment. The calls for increase of productivity and sensitivity to the consumers of public goods and services, and the growing concerns for value for money are some of the issues raised by the general public, private sector organisations, labour associations and other interested parties both locally, regionally and internationally. The public administration reform process is often one of redefining the roles of institutions in the face of changing external conditions.

In this context, LDK assists public bodies in their quest for a new dynamic role and supports the setting-up of appropriate structures, processes and administrative systems aiming at improving the accountability and productivity in the public sector. LDK provides services in equipping each public body to:

  • Plan and manage internal organisational changes
  • Improve the level of services offered to citizens
  • Improve the quality of communication between public authorities both horizontally and vertically
  • Interact productively with stakeholders, to allow participatory design and implementation of strategies and policies

As components of institution building, LDK has developed and successfully executed programs for many institutions, including: organizational design - coordination systems, functional characteristics, job descriptions and attestation; change management; training needs assessment; development and realization of specialized trainings.

In addition to strengthening specific government authorities, LDK has been engaged in the creation of new public sector bodies, preparing strategic and policy documents, providing organisation charts, proposing internal operating procedures and assisting in the physical and human resource set-up and capacity building of new agencies.

LDK has also been involved in a number of projects facilitating the decentralisation process and the transfer of competencies from central to local level by assisting public administration at all levels to:

  • Develop and implement regional policies and programmes for achieving balanced regional development and reduction of regional disparities
  • Follow the progress of sector programmes and their harmonization with state policies at regional/local level
  • Exercise functions delegated by central government
  • Design new strategies and tools to promote local development and streamline national and external funding to projects corresponding to national priorities and local interests.

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Regional development support project, Romania

Regional development support project, Romania

In 1998 the Government of Romania ratified a Law on Regional Development (Law 151/98), which specified the establishment of a number of institutions ...

Energy Efficiency (EE) and Thermal Building Refurbishment Project in Yerevan, Armenia

Energy Efficiency (EE) and Thermal Building Refurbishment Project in Yerevan, Armenia

The overall objective of the assignment is to assist EIB and the Municipality of Yerevan  (MoY) in preparing effectively the pilot phase of an ...

Support to the Greek General Secretariat for Public Private Partnerships-Implementation of appropriate processes and methodologies in investment and public procurement, Greece

Support to the Greek General Secretariat for Public Private Partnerships-Implementation of appropriate processes and methodologies in investment and public procurement, Greece

The general objective of this Project was to contribute to institutional, administrative and growth-sustaining structural reforms in Greece, with a ...

Mining affected regions reconstruction fund (MARR Fund): Main component, Romania

Mining affected regions reconstruction fund (MARR Fund): Main component, Romania

The European Commission agreed to allocate a total of €10 million for a fund to aid the reconstruction of two specific mining affected regions (Jiu ...

Rehabilitation of the Lebanese Administration: Programme Monitoring, Lebanon

Rehabilitation of the Lebanese Administration: Programme Monitoring, Lebanon

Over the years, Lebanon has come to suffer from a weak institutional and legal framework. In fact, most of this was established some 40 years ago, ...

Assessment of the municipal organizational structure, North Macedonia

Assessment of the municipal organizational structure, North Macedonia

Following the adoption of the Law on Local Self-Government in North Macedonia significant amount of legislative and administrative work had been ...

Implementation & coordination of the decentralization process: Technical assistance, North Macedonia

Implementation & coordination of the decentralization process: Technical assistance, North Macedonia

The overall objective of the project was to enable the Government of North Macedonia to start concrete competence transfer from central government to ...

Ministry of Finance Training School (SEYYO): Technical assistance, Greece

Ministry of Finance Training School (SEYYO): Technical assistance, Greece

The aim of the project was to prepare the action plan on behalf of the Ministry of Finance Training School (SEYYO) for funding under the Information ...

Regional Development Programme - Region of Sterea Ellada: Management

Regional Development Programme - Region of Sterea Ellada: Management

The Region of Sterea Ellada(Objective 1: Region - area NUTS II) is one of the 13 regions of Greece, sited in the central part of the mainland. ...

Technical assistance for providing Information services aiming to bring to the Turkish Cypriot community closer to the European Union  through running an EU Infopoint in the northern part of Nicosia, Cyprus

Technical assistance for providing Information services aiming to bring to the Turkish Cypriot community closer to the European Union through running an EU Infopoint in the northern part of Nicosia, Cyprus

The overall objective of the project is to bring the Turkish Cypriot community closer to the European Union (EU) and contribute to facilitate efforts ...

Institutional building in support of employment policy: Technical assistance, North Macedonia

Institutional building in support of employment policy: Technical assistance, North Macedonia

The overall objectives of the project were to assist the Government in the development of a coherent employment policy designed to support economic ...

Energy Efficiency (EE) and Thermal Building Refurbishment Project in Chisinau, Moldova

Energy Efficiency (EE) and Thermal Building Refurbishment Project in Chisinau, Moldova

The overall objective of the assignment is to assist EIB and the Municipality of Chisinau (MoC) in preparing effectively the pilot phase of an ...

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