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Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE): Organisation and management consultancy, Greece
Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE): Organisation and management consultancy, Greece

CATEGORY: Energy, Markets


START/END: 2006-2007


CLIENT: Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE)

ORIGIN OF FUNDING: 3rd Structual Fund

PARTNERS: Planet; NERA; Kelemenis & Associates



Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE): Organisation and management consultancy, Greece

Type of Services

LDK participated in the following tasks:
Assessment of the duties of RAE and its strategy:

  • recording of the current legal framework and detailed duties of RAE;
  • preparation of proposals concerning targets and strategies to achieve them;
  • identification of the critical factors affecting the effectiveness of RAE.

Analysis of current situation:

  • identification of organizational and operational problems, weaknesses and omissions in the existing structure of RAE, in the context of its role, aiming at specifying the needs and opportunities for improvement.

Analysis of international experience and proposals:

  • in depth study of a number of selected Authorities with characteristics similar to those of RAE;
  • identification of Best Practices and proposals for improvement of RAE.

Plan for the reorganisation of RAE and transition plan:

  • implementation of specific tasks related to reorganisation of units, implementation of a quality system and improvement of the communication and IT methodologies and infrastructures within RAE;
  • preparation of a revised Presidential Decree draft plan on the organisation and operation of RAE based on the findings of the performed analysis.



The overall objective of this project was to conduct a study for the reorganisation of the functions of the Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE), so that RAE fulfils its obligations and tasks, and attains a more effective operation.

The project comprised following tasks:

Task 1: Assessment of the duties of RAE and its strategy.

This task aimed at understanding the role and position of RAE in the market, based on the existing legal framework. It also aimed at identifying the interface of RAE with the market and the public sector, in order to determine responsibilities from both the existing legal framework, as well as the expected developments in the country and in the EC.

Task 2: Analysis of current situation.The aim of this task was to obtain a clear view of the present organisation and operation of RAE, including the procedures implemented, and the systems supporting their implementation.

Task 3: Study and Analysis of international experience.The objective of this task was to obtain a clear and complete picture of the organisational structure and operation of the Regulatory Authorities in Europe.

Task 4: Best Practices and Proposals for Improvement.This task was based on the results of the previous task, including presentation of the best practices in organisation and operation of energy regulatory authorities, and consideration of the compatibility for implementation of such practices in RAE, as well as the formulation of such proposals.

Task 5: Plan for the re-organisation of RAE.The work included the preparation of a preliminary and a final reorganisation plan, containing a proposed new organisation chart, proposed organisational procedures, communication systems between the operational units of RAE, a description of the proposed staffing rearrangements, the formulation of alternative scenarios, and finally procedures for the identification of training needs for the staff of the Authority.

Task 6: Transition Plan.
The plan prescribed the implementation of the proposed restructuring with the minimum effect on the operation of RAE. It comprised a proposal for the procedure and a time plan for implementing the new organisational scheme and the preparation of all the necessary legal documentation including a Presidential Decree.

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