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CARDS Environment Sector: Formulation of capacity building in the water section, Serbia
CARDS Environment Sector: Formulation of capacity building in the water section, Serbia

CATEGORY: Environment



CLIENT: European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR)

ORIGIN OF FUNDING: European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR)

CARDS Environment Sector: Formulation of capacity building in the water section, Serbia

Type of Services

Within the scope of the above activities the experts undertook following actions:
- assessment of the current institutional and water monitoring capacity in Serbia to implement the guiding principles of the EU's Water Framework Directive and other relevant legislation;
- close coordination and liaison with staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and other associated institutions for the proposed activities;
- preparation and outline of an action plan for upgrading institutional capacity, in line with Serbia and Montenegro's international commitments, including upgrading of water monitoring.
- drafting the Strategy Action Plan for CARDS 2005 environment water sector
- Identification of Technical Assistance (or Twinning), training, supply and works required to upgrade institutional capacity;
- drafting the Programme Fiche for the environmental support to be provided through the Environment component of the 2005 Annual programme for Serbia, in close liaison with EAR and the Ministry's Directorate for Water;
- drafting the Terms of Reference for the Technical Assistance / Twinning to be provided to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management;
- drafting the Terms of Reference for the supply of required equipment for upgrading the water monitoring capacity of the Ministry and the other associated Institutions;
- preparation of the Terms of Reference and the Technical Specifications for the tender dossiers of three projects, in accordance with the Practical Guide;
- drafting of forecasts and procurement notices.



The aim of this project was to support the institutional capacity building of the Serbian authorities responsible for planning, monitoring, inspecting and enforcing environmental policy, particularly in relation to pollution of water.
The activities carried out, included the following:
- development of an outline strategic plan for the upgrading of the institutional capacity of the Water Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia and other associated institutions to be able to implement and enforce the guiding principles of the European Union's Water Framework Directive and related legislation;
- preparation of a draft Strategy and Programme Fiche (including LogFrame) for the support for the Water Sector under the environment component of the Annual CARDS Programme for 2005;
- preparation of terms of reference and technical specifications for the procurement of the services and/or supplies and/or works required to implement the support identified in the draft Programme Fiche prepared.

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