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Air pollution: Estimation & cartographic depiction of Greece, Greece
Air pollution: Estimation & cartographic depiction of Greece, Greece

CATEGORY: Environment


START/END: 2003-2004

CLIENT: Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works

ORIGIN OF FUNDING: 2nd Community Support Framework

Air pollution: Estimation & cartographic depiction of Greece, Greece

Type of Services

Provided services referred to expertise on:
- air pollution and assessment of air quality;
- environmental legislation on air, including the IPPC framework;
- field measurements of air pollutions;
- air pollution modelling;
- GIS application;
- control measures for air pollution.


The project aimed at the development of a cartographic depiction system of air pollution according to the requirements set in the Directive 96/62/EC on ambient air quality assessment and management, known as the Framework Directive for the Air Quality. Within the context of the project, following tasks were carried out:
- division of the whole country in zones and agglomerations, according to the requirements of the Directive 96/62/EC;
- campaign series of representative measurements at 30 different sampling points for the pollutants sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrogen oxide (NO), particulates (PM10), carbon oxide (CO), ozone (O3), benzene, various metals (Pb, Cd, As, Ni) and benzo[a]pyrene;
- assessment of ambient air quality using suitable modelling techniques (dispersion, photochemical and meteorological models), including emission and air quality measurement data, obtained from the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works as well as other representative authorities;
- development of a cartographic depiction system of air pollution in the Greek territory.
The implementation of this project assisted in the determination of the areas with high levels of air pollution and the design of the necessary action programmes for improvement of ambient air quality.

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