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3rd Greek Community Support Framework (CSF) 2000-2006: Mid-term evaluation of the sectors environment and culture, Greece
3rd Greek Community Support Framework (CSF) 2000-2006: Mid-term evaluation of the sectors environment and culture, Greece

CATEGORY: Environment


START/END: 2003-2004

CLIENT: Ministry of Economy and Finance

ORIGIN OF FUNDING: 3rd Community Support Framework

3rd Greek Community Support Framework (CSF) 2000-2006: Mid-term evaluation of the sectors environment and culture, Greece

Type of Services

Provided services included review, assessment and prioritization of strategic axes, including the environmental sector in terms of:
- objectives and priorities;
- progress against specified indicators;
- monitoring and evaluation.


As a mid-term evaluator of the third Greek community support framework (CSF) 2000-2006 (Sectors: environment & culture), the consultant's aim was to improve the quality and relevance of the programming of the Greek CSF. The evaluation provided to the managing authorities all the necessary information in order to identify reorientation in the programming, which was needed to ensure the achievements of the original objectives. The aim of the project is divided into the following objectives:
- assessment of the overall form of assistance remaining to the appropriate means to confront the environmental issues confronting the region or the sector;
- review of the strategic axes, priorities and objectives and their coherence and relevancy;
- assessment of the progress made to achieve these objectives and the extend to which they were actually achieved;
- assessment of the quantification of objectives, specifically of the extend to which they facilitated monitoring and evaluation;
- assessment of the extent to which horizontal priorities – especially environment – were integrated into the forms of assistance;
- analysis of the adequacy of the implementation and monitoring arrangements;
- presentation of the results against the indicators agreed for the performance reserve.

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