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Inventory of air emissions, liquid & solid waste from industry and central heating, Greece
Inventory of air emissions, liquid & solid waste from industry and central heating, Greece

CATEGORY: Environment


START/END: 1999-2001


CLIENT: Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works

ORIGIN OF FUNDING: Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works


Inventory of air emissions, liquid & solid waste from industry and central heating, Greece

Type of Services

The project comprised following activities:

  1. Inventory procedure - Industry: 1000 industrial facilities from 48 industrial sectors were registered, (230 of which being IPPC facilities). Sampling and measurements of air emissions, wastewater and solid waste in 162 industrial facilities were also performed.
  2. Inventory procedure – Central Heating: The inventory system that was developed, allowed the verification of the emissions, either by an estimation or by a monitoring model.
  3. Database - Geographical Information System: The databases were developed on SQL server software. All the information was also presented in the geographical information system (GIS) that was developed in ArcView 3.2.
  4. Emission factors – Evaluation of results – Estimation tools: A catalogue of emission factors, adapted to the particularities of the Greek industry, was developed. Special estimation tools were also used (SUPERPRO DESIGNER 4.5, WATER 8, TANKS 4.0)
  5. Dissemination actions.
  6. QA/QC: According to the ISO 9001-1994 requirements.
  7. Training of the system's operators the and co-ordination of the project.

LDK was responsible for the development of the central Database and GIS, as well as for the inventory of 200 industrial facilities.


The project was elaborated within the framework of the Operational Program Environment of the 2nd Community Support Framework. The main objective of the project was to develop an inventory regarding emissions from stationary pollution sources and to satisfy the following needs of the Greek Ministry of the Environment, the competent authorities and other interested parties (NGOs, public etc):

  • the need for valid data, in order to facilitate the authorities' decision-making processes;
  • reporting needs (towards the European Commission etc) due to the arising obligations from the EU Directives (96/61, 97/11 etc);
  • the needs of the Greek Inspectorate towards the approval and monitoring of the environmental terms, which is part of the licensing process of the industrial installations in Greece;
  • the formulation of a tool that will enhance public awareness on environmental pollution and inform the public on emissions from individual sources.

The project consisted of the environmental data collection from 1000 industrial facilities, covering a wide range of industrial activities. The inventory concerned the period 2000-2001. A database and a geographical information system were developed. Sampling and laboratory analyses were performed in several facilities, regarding the quality of their emissions and waste. An extensive waste factors list, adapted in certain cases to the particularities of the Greek industrial sectors, was formulated. Furthermore, the use of special software allowed the detailed evaluation of the pollutants load for specific key-sectors that contribute significantly to the total national pollutant load.

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