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Assessment of agricultural action plans established in the EU member states, Greece
Assessment of agricultural action plans established in the EU member states, Greece

CATEGORY: Environment


START/END: 2000-2001


CLIENT: European Commission

ORIGIN OF FUNDING: European Commission


Assessment of agricultural action plans established in the EU member states, Greece

Type of Services

Provided services referred to the consultant's expertise in the fields of water pollution by nutrients, agricultural pollution, agricultural science and environmental legislation.


This project was a review of the Action Plans established by Greece to control the pollution of waters, both surface and groundwater, from pollution by nitrates of agricultural origin, as required by Directive 91/676/EEC (Nitrates Directive). The Directive required that such plans be prepared for every Vulnerable Zone designated in implementation of the Directive. The Action Plans were evaluated for inclusion of the compulsory measures specified by the Directive as well as their adequacy with respect to the agricultural conditions encountered in specific Vulnerable Zones. The inclusion of the measures from the Greek Code of Good Agricultural Practice was also examined, as this is another requirement of the Directive.

Following that evaluation, recommendations were made regarding the adequacy of the Action Plans for the Greek Vulnerable Zones.

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