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Provision of advisory services to an Environmental Due Diligence Assessment for multiple sites in Greece, supplying information on environmental baseline information, environmental legislation and interpretation of the airports’ environmental terms and studies (based on a virtual data room)”, as part of their privatization process
Provision of advisory services to an Environmental Due Diligence Assessment for multiple sites in Greece, supplying information on environmental baseline information, environmental legislation and interpretation of the airports’ environmental terms and studies (based on a virtual data room)”, as part of their privatization process

CATEGORY: Environment





Provision of advisory services to an Environmental Due Diligence Assessment for multiple sites in Greece, supplying information on environmental baseline information, environmental legislation and interpretation of the airports’ environmental terms and studies (based on a virtual data room)”, as part of their privatization process

Type of Services

The services provided involved the following:

  • Review of available information, environmental terms and Environmental Impact Assessment reports for each airport site, found on the project's virtual data room;
  • Summary and interpretation of the available information in the virtual data room;
  • Participation in the client questions-answers procedure, for the provision of clarifications and exchange of views;
  • Participation in meetings with the client;


Staff Provided:

Mrs Evie Litou – Project Coordinator

Ms Eleni Damianou – Junior Consultant


The project refers to the provision of assistance to the development of an Environmental Due Diligence Assessment, forming part of a greater Due Diligence project for the privatization of multiple airport sites in Greece.


The project involved a desktop review of available information and studies, for the provision of an environmental assessment of the airport sites and a limited EHS compliance check for each site.

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