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Desktop study on waste medicine management in Cyprus
Desktop study on waste medicine management in Cyprus

CATEGORY: Environment





Desktop study on waste medicine management in Cyprus

Type of Services

The necessary information was compiled by desktop research, telephone interviews with stakeholders involved, as well as the compilation and exchange of a questionnaire, between all key stakeholders involved.

Staff Provided:

Mrs Evie Litou – Project Director

Ms Eleni Avramidi – Key expert


The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) commissioned a survey in 2007 in 27 EU Member States and Norway to determine how the collection systems for household waste and unused/ expired medicinal products were being implemented.

Building on the findings of that survey, a multi-national pharmaceutical firm seeked to gain a better understanding of the situation with regards to the collection and disposal of household waste and unused/ expired medicinal products in Cyprus, in order to minimize business risks which could be associated with weaknesses in the area of its unused/ expired medicinal products management.


The overall objective of this project was to compile information to the following topics:

  • Ways of collection and disposal for household waste and unused/expired medicines;
  • Legal requirements on collection and disposal of household waste and unused/expired medicines;
  • Available schemes (voluntary, mandatory or being developed) for the collection and disposal of unused/expired medicines in Cyprus and potential take-back or collections schemes;
  • Organisation and financing methods of take-back schemes;
  • Reason for success and failure of take-back schemes;
  • Stakeholders involved in the take-back schemes;
  • Future policy initiatives and legislations relevant to waste disposal and the take back of medicinal products.


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