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Elaboration of Sustainable Action Plan (SEAP) for the Municipality of Chalkis and provision of Technical Assistance during the procedures for its accession in the Covenant of Mayors, Greece
Elaboration of Sustainable Action Plan (SEAP) for the Municipality of Chalkis and provision of Technical Assistance during the procedures for its accession in the Covenant of Mayors, Greece

CATEGORY: Energy, Strategy & Policy

LOCATION: Chalkis, Greece

START/END: 2017 - 2018

CLIENT: Municipality of Chalkis

ORIGIN OF FUNDING: Municipality of Chalkis




Elaboration of Sustainable Action Plan (SEAP) for the Municipality of Chalkis and provision of Technical Assistance during the procedures for its accession in the Covenant of Mayors, Greece

Type of Services

LDK  implemented the following tasks:

Phase 1: Review of Municipality’s organizational and management framework especially for structures concerning energy management, elaboration of baseline regarding the energy consumption and renewable energy production within the municipality’s borders for the baseline year, elaboration of Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI), Assessment of risks pertinent to the climate change and proposed mitigation actions

Phase 2: Elaboration of Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) for the Municipality of Chalkis including technical as well as behavior changes energy savings measures and submission to the Covenant of Mayors

Phase 3: Elaboration of an action plan regarding the Municipality’s dissemination actions pertinent to the SEAP and provision of assistance during its implementation.


The overall objective of the project was to elaborate the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) for the Municipality of Chalkis, the submission of the SEAP to the Covenant of Mayors as well as the provision of support to the Municipality of Chalkis in its accession procedure in the Covenant of Mayors as well as on the dissemination actions pertinent to the SEAP.

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