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Further Development of Energy Planning Capacity IPA 2017, Serbia
Further Development of Energy Planning Capacity IPA 2017, Serbia

CATEGORY: Energy, Strategy & Policy


START/END: 2021-2023


CLIENT: 2023-21, Further Development of Energy Planning Capacity IPA 2017, Serbia Name of client Ministry of Finance, of the Rep. of S


PARTNERS: Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (GR)



Further Development of Energy Planning Capacity IPA 2017, Serbia

Type of Services

Improved capacities for energy planning through further development of tool for energy planning through the following activities:

• Update the current version of SEMS:

- Update the current version with the new latest version of TIMES
- Update TIMES with the latest relevant statistical data on a national and regional level, especially in the fields of environmental protection and GHG emissions
- Update user and administration manuals

• Develop a design of the tool for macroeconomic analyses:
- Develop the tool for macroeconomic analyses up to 2050 and further include a complex structure of different energy sources and a broad connection between the energy sector and the Serbian economy

• Develop, install and test the tool for macroeconomic analysis”
- Use official statistical data for the testing the tool in cooperation with the Working Group
- Development of the user manual for the tool
- Capacity building for users

• Perform macroeconomic analysis necessary for preparation of INECP
- Perform a macroeconomic analysis using the developed and approved tool, and prepare predictions of the GDP and other relevant microeconomic data up to 2050 relevant as input data for SEMS and for preparation of INECP

• Develop a design of the high RES penetration market tool
- Develop a tool for high RES penetration market that will perform analyses of the operational details of the power sector under high RES penetration.

• Develop, install and test the high RES penetration market tool
- Use official statistical and relevant data for the testing the tool in accordance with the cooperation with the Working Group
- Prepare the user manual
- Capacity building for the use of the tool

• Perform analyses of development of the power system with large increase of RES in electricity generation
- Perform analyses based on adopted Proposal for performing the analyses of development of the power system with large increase of RES in electricity generation

• Upgrade and test the methodology and the tool of selecting (prioritizing) project implementation
- Upgrade and test the methodology and the tool of selecting (prioritizing) project implementation by introducing a market model and fill it with all relevant data in accordance with the cooperation with the Working Group
- Prepare user manual
- Capacity building for using the tool

• Ongoing maintenance of SEMS and other accompanied tools developed on the project
Improved regulatory framework for energy policy and straitened capacities of the Ministry of Mining and Energy and other stakeholders for alignment with requirements of the Energy Community and EU Acquis related to joint energy and climate planning through the following activities:

- Develop Draft of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (INECP) for the period from 2021 to 2030

• The draft shal include proposed scenarios (at least three and numerous variants), their definition and projections up to 2050; analysis of proposed scenarios and their results;proposed key indicators and their values, which will be used for monitoring

• The upgraded SEMS with the tools for preparation of macroeconomic projections as well as high RES penetration market tool shall be used for the preparation of the draft
- Report on strategic environmental impact assessment
- Implementation of the public consultations and public hearing for the Draft of the INECP and Draft of the Report on strategic environmental impact assessment
- Preparation of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (INECP) for the period from 2021 to 2030, as a document ready for procedure of adoption of Serbian Government and Serbian Parliament
- Develop and adopt of the (Second) Annual Report on the Implementation of the Energy Strategy and the Program for the implementation Energy Strategy
- Organisation of a study tour


The overall objective of this project is support Serbia in reforming the energy and climate policy in an integrated and enhanced manner in accordance with EU Acquis. The project will help to improve energy and climate policy through development of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (INECP) for the period from 2021 to 2030 in order to implement Energy Union Strategy based on tools for advanced energy planning. It is expected that the project will achieve the following results:

  • Improved capacities for energy planning through further development of tool for energy planning.
  • Improved regulatory framework for energy policy and straitened capacities of the Ministry of Mining and Energy and other stakeholders for alignment with requirements of the Energy Community and EU Acquis related to joint energy and climate planning.

Through the previous IPA 2013 project Development the Energy Planning Capacity, an energy modelling tool called the Energy Modelling System of Serbia (SEMS) has been developed. SEMS is based on the TIMES tool developed by the International Energy Agency and it is set up so that it can be easily updated with the new upgraded versions of TIMES. The software planning tool (SEMS) assess the potential impact of such a decision by assessing the impact the European Trading Scheme (EU ETS) on the energy sector and thus providing an additional quantitative decision-making tool to policymakers.

Under the previous project, the need for development of a power system model tool is identified in order to analyse the operational details of the power sector under high RES penetration. The establishment of such a tool, recommended as a future action, will be helpful in order to conduct detailed analysis of the power system in terms of optimizing its operation. The further development of the tool for the project prioritisation will support the better consideration of the Energy Strategy targets.

In addition, by using the data collected and updating them and also by using the improved version of SEMS and conducting analyses for the development of evidence-based policies and analysis of the consequences of specific investments in different segments of the energy sector, this project will provide a high quality basis for the preparation of the Second Annual Report on the Implementation of the Energy Strategy and the Program for the implementation Energy Strategy.

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