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Policy integration of the environmental dimension became a prerequisite for the actual implementation of sustainable development. This reflects directly on the policy options promoted by the most developed countries around the globe and supported by corresponding funding instruments.

LDK has had an early involvement in relevant projects, supporting both donors and fund recipients. We have provided technical assistance to donors of different levels for the formulation of their policy and strategy through funding programmes, such as the CARDS in Serbia (European Agency for Reconstruction - EAR), or the Environmental Component of the National Strategic Reference Framework (“ESPA” 2007-2013) in Greece (Ministry of Economy and Finance).

On the other hand, we have significantly assisted countries or institutions receiving financial assistance to make the best use of it in protecting the environment, as well as in reaching specific goals such as the harmonisation with the Acquis, for candidate countries.

  • LDK’s key areas of expertise include:
  • Environmental Policy Formulation
  • Acquis harmonisation & implementation
  • Preparation of Environmental Action Plans or Programmes
  • Integration or evaluation (ex-ante, mid –term, ex-post) of the environmental dimension in several Programmes
  • Assistance for National Reporting (e.g. to the European Commission, to the European Environment Agency, to EUROSTAT, to OECD etc.)
  • Capacity Strengthening for Environmental Inspection and Enforcement
  • Institutional Capacity Building
  • Strategic Environmental Assessment
  • Public participation: Consultation and/or Awareness Campaigns
  • Training

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Health & Safety review: Regulation registry & questionnaire for offices & laboratories, Greece

Health & Safety review: Regulation registry & questionnaire for offices & laboratories, Greece

The project refers to the preparation of occupational health & safety legislation databases, wherein short descriptions of the relevant pieces of ...

National Health Care Waste Management Plan, Greece

National Health Care Waste Management Plan, Greece

The main objective of the project is the preparation of the National Management Plan for the management of medical waste in Greece. The project ...

Private Sector Participation in Albanian Electricity Company KESH, Albania

Private Sector Participation in Albanian Electricity Company KESH, Albania

Many reforms have been initiated in the Albanian power sector in recent years. KESH has been partly unbundled recently with the creation of a ...

Environmental Sector Market Study, Greece

Environmental Sector Market Study, Greece

This project study for the Commercial Department of the Austrian Embassy in Greece combines both environmental expertise and market research for the ...

Mediterranean Hot Spot Investment Programme - Project Preparation and Implementation Facility (MeHSIP-PPIF), southern Mediterranean countries

Mediterranean Hot Spot Investment Programme - Project Preparation and Implementation Facility (MeHSIP-PPIF), southern Mediterranean countries

The Mediterranean environment is recognised as one of the richest and at the same time most vulnerable in the world. The region is predominantly arid ...

Study on the environmental dimension of projects financed by the Cohesion Fund in Greece

Study on the environmental dimension of projects financed by the Cohesion Fund in Greece

The Cohesion Fund, aiming at strengthening economic and social cohesion, reducing of the backwardness of the least-favoured regions and helping ...

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