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Integrated water resources management: Development of systems, tools and regional policy for the Aegean islands, Greece
Integrated water resources management: Development of systems, tools and regional policy for the Aegean islands, Greece

CATEGORY: Environment


START/END: 2003-2007

CLIENT: Ministry of Development

ORIGIN OF FUNDING: Ministry of Development

Integrated water resources management: Development of systems, tools and regional policy for the Aegean islands, Greece

Type of Services

Particular tasks of the project were as follows:
Phase A:
This phase included collection and assessment of relevant studies and research data, collection, reliability control, selection and filling of primary data regarding natural systems (meteorological, climatic, geological, hydrological, and hydrogeological), as well as identification and presentation of existing monitoring networks and the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the hydrological cycle.
Phase B:
This phase included analysis of the infrastructure and uses, as well as detailed registration of all economic activities taking place in the study area, description of works exploiting water reserves, which serve the above activities and analysis of their operation. Within this frame, the water demand for irrigation, supply, pisciculture and the maintenance of environmental balance was assessed.
Phase C:
In this phase the management tool was developed. The results from Phases A and B were introduced and simulation models for each island or for a whole block of islands were developed. The models simulated the spatial distribution of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of water demand and supply at each notable focal point of the study area and their continuous interaction. Finally the model was adapted to current conditions and its set-up were performed.
Phase D:
This phase included the assessment of economic scenarios (according to WFD 2000/60) which are the basis for analysing the policy for managing the water resources. The economic model analysed and calculated the economic result for each application of the management model. The development and assessment of scenarios and measures followed, as well as their future capacity.
Finally, the Consultant proposed the institutional restructuring of the involved entities (regional units), human resources development proposals and training of their personnel, as well as dissemination measures for the best comprehensibility of the model among the public and other interested stakeholders. The Consultant also developed a website based presentation of the project.


The project aimed at the development of a dynamic tool for the integrated water resources management of the Aegean islands, including large and small size islets, covering in total two regions and five prefectures. In particular, the tasks of the project were:
- to register, analyse and model all relevant data of water resources (hydrology, hydrogeology, water demand, water quality), both at spatial and also thematic level;
- to calculate the water balance of the present and future status;
- to develop different scenarios of water resources management, taking into account and assessing economic activities with the scope of sustainable use;
- to introduce and assess new data through all of its functions, setting new management scenarios;
- to facilitate the possibility of expansion, supplement, modification and adjustment, according to the requirements of the final user and the current qualitative and quantitative data, both at spatial and thematic level;
- to establish an integrated management system (DSS) at water basin level.
The above capabilities of the provided final tool allow the Ministry of Development and the respective Regional administrations and Prefectures to set up a regional and in the long run a cumulative national strategy for the rational management of water resources. Also, support of all the necessary actions can be provided in this manner, including future perspectives rising from the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC.

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